Daily Reading: Matthew 6
Scripture Focus: Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. (Matthew 6.21)
Devotional Thought: As a pastor, it often falls to me to raise money and recruit workers for the Kingdom. In doing so, too many times I have approached people with the attitude - if not the literal words - "Will you do me a favor?" I've got that wrong!
First of all, when people invest in the church, they are not doing it for me. I'm just the pastor. Christ is the Lord of the Church. So, when there is a need for teachers, leaders, greeters, singers or nursery workers, it is for Christ. I certainly am not a large enough figure to garner the kind of sacrifice and service needed.
Also, those investing in the Kingdom are not doing the favor. They are receiving the favor! That's right. When someone invests in God's cause, Christ himself said they would be paid back thirty-, sixty-, even a hundred-fold! What an amazing opportunity for the savvy investor!
Jesus told us that where our treasures are, there our hearts will go. If we invest in the Kingdom, we will find joy in the kingdom. If we invest in heaven, we will follow our hearts to heaven. One author said it this way: "If you encourage a man to give to the Lord's work, you are helping to tie him to heaven. Even soliciting a sinner to contribute to a special project of the church may lead to his salvation. Thus we do people a definite service when we give them a chance to make their offerings to the Lord. Where their money goes, there also their hearts will go." (BBC, 85)
I don't like to ask for money or volunteers. But, I do love to give people the opportunity to invest in ways that pay eternal dividends!
Prayer: Lord, I consecrate the treasures of my time, talents, and money to your Kingdom. Help me not to be so tied to earthly things that I neglect heavenly investments. Amen.
Psalm of the Day: 4 O LORD God of hosts, how long will you be angry with your people's prayers? 5 You have fed them with the bread of tears and given them tears to drink in full measure. 6 You make us an object of contention for our neighbors, and our enemies laugh among themselves. 7 Restore us, O God of hosts; let your face shine, that we may be saved! (Psalms 80:4-7)