Daily Reading: Leviticus 21
Scripture Focus: No man of the offspring of Aaron the priest who has a blemish shall come near to offer the Lord's food offerings; since he has a blemish, he shall not come near to offer the bread of his God. He may eat the bread of his God, both of the most holy and of the holy things, but he shall not go through the veil or approach the altar (Leviticus 21.21-23a)
Devotional Thought: "I'm not good enough to serve God!" Do you feel that way? Perhaps it is something from your past that causes guilt and shame. Maybe you think that your talents aren't quite up to par. Or maybe you don't come from the right family or have the right connections.
There's good news for you! By the grace of God you are good enough. As a matter of fact, you are better than good enough!
How can I say that? Especially in light of today's verses from Leviticus...
Yes, God did set strict parameters for those who could serve him in the food offerings. He selected some Levites - the sons of Aaron. Other Levites, however, were passed over. God did this to show that we serve him according to his rules, not our own. Of the sons of Aaron, there were some who could not serve the Lord's food offerings because they were blemished. Nobody was turned away from the Lord's Table...
You may argue, "But they weren't good enough to serve!" That was then, and it was for a season. How do I know that? Because Jesus Christ, our Great High Priest, was blemished beyond recognition, and his service was acceptable to God. The prophet Isaiah said of Jesus, "There were many who were appalled at him—his appearance was so disfigured beyond that of any human being, and his form marred beyond human likeness." Yet God chose him to "justify many and bear their iniquities."
Now, we are all, by the grace of Jesus Christ, better than good enough because he was the perfect sacrifice!
Prayer: Jesus, you "were pierced for our transgressions, crushed for our iniquities," and yet God chose you to serve him in the most Holy Place. Since I am connected to you, Lord, I too am better than good enough to serve! Thank you!
Psalm of the Day: 26 Help me, O LORD my God! Save me according to your steadfast love! 27 Let them know that this is your hand; you, O LORD, have done it! 28 Let them curse, but you will bless! They arise and are put to shame, but your servant will be glad! 29 May my accusers be clothed with dishonor; may they be wrapped in their own shame as in a cloak! 30 With my mouth I will give great thanks to the LORD; I will praise him in the midst of the throng. 31 For he stands at the right hand of the needy one, to save him from those who condemn his soul to death. (Psalms 109:26-31)