Our ministry is focused on Momentum. Each day we will post one chapter (sometimes two for shorter chapters) from the Bible to read. Along with the daily chapter, there is a practical devotional article and a suggested prayer that will help you internalize what you have read and establish spiritual momentum for The Climb.
You also will read a short selection from the book of Psalms. The longer Psalms are divided into smaller sections. You can choose to read a section each day, or you can read the Psalm in its entirety on the day it first appears. This may help you maintain continuity and context.
The Means to a Greater End
Much Obliged!
Stand Up!
Throw the Book At Them!
When People Are Few
Just Stop and Think
Not Without a Fight!
Moral Authority
That Takes Nerve!
Come, Lord Jesus
Your Next Step
Judge Me By That Book!
Let the Party Begin!
Come Out with a Shout!
My King and My Lord
Anticipated Surprise
The Dead Are Blessed?
Endurance and Faith
The Government