Our ministry is focused on Momentum. Each day we will post one chapter (sometimes two for shorter chapters) from the Bible to read. Along with the daily chapter, there is a practical devotional article and a suggested prayer that will help you internalize what you have read and establish spiritual momentum for The Climb.
You also will read a short selection from the book of Psalms. The longer Psalms are divided into smaller sections. You can choose to read a section each day, or you can read the Psalm in its entirety on the day it first appears. This may help you maintain continuity and context.
Top Off Your Tank
Jesus, Me, Action
Is the Spirit of the Lord Upon You?
Fruits in Keeping with Repentance
A Light for Revelation
Walk With God
Is There Peace in Your World?
Let Go!
Making Jesus Happy
Spirit-Based Confidence
That Is So Exciting!
Knowing, Loving, Obeying
Hidden in Plain View
Good Raisin'
The Lone Voice
Hate the Sin, Love the Sinner
Muster and Provision
God Always Calls a Busy Person
Then the Fire of the Lord Fell